
The First Digital Notebook For Your Tin Whistle Tunes​

Using WhistleBook you can easily write, edit and save your own tunes list quickly and easily

Discover all ​ features

ABC Notations

Using “abcjs” you can view and play ABC notations files.

Don't Know how to read music?

If you download or import a ABC notations file you can easily convert it by one click to fingering chart view.

Don't remember how the tune starts sound?

No worries, when you add a new tune you can add a link to a YouTube tutorial or music video, and when get into the tune page, you can easily play it.


WhistleBook has a Community page where you can share and download tunes form others users.

Print Tunes

Premium users can print from the app their favorite tunes.

The Session

WhistleBook supports an in-app connection to this wonderful website, where you can search and add tunes to your list simply by swiping list item to the right.
“The Session” is a lovely community dedicated to Irish traditional music, where many people contribute and share Music sheets in ABC notations.

Backup your list

WhistleBook Backs up your tune list.
